Archive for June, 2008

I have plans to offer a lot of free digital paper downloads and maybe some digital embellishment downloads and more on my blog. Here is the first paper set I made where you can download here (5 mb). The papers are made for 12×12 inches and 300 dpi so you can download and print off […]

I have decided to add a new category where every Friday I post a photo I take that day. This photo is of a tiny little jewellery box I received from my Aunty for my 21st birthday. There’s actually nothing in it (I like to keep all my jewellery out on display) but this sits […]

My favourite animal in the world is the elephant and I especially love funky elephant shapes and patterns appearing in all my craft work. Whilst on etsy the other night I found myself searching endlessly for elephant inspiration and there is definitely a lot of it out there. Here are just some of my favourites. […]

I had almost completely forgot I had made these little purses. It wasn’t until I found the left over material I remembered. I made them around 2 years ago one afternoon out of complete boredom but I never used them once. I love the candy apple pattern, it’s so pretty and summery and I have […]

Ever wanted to give your beaded jewellery designs a little something extra? Why not try experiment with wire, and twist some simple little spirals. These wire spirals look great at the end of a bead for a cute drop-earring or use a lot of spiral twists together to make a unique bracelet. The possibilities really […]

How does one usually start the first post on a new blog? I’m not sure what to say but I will let you know what to expect from this blog. I plan to post how-to tutorials and ideas on my own crafting experiences including sewing, beading, paper crafts and more. I want to share with […]